À l’occasion du passage en France de Azniv Aslikyan et Anna Asatryan, qui ont organisé et guidé le voyage d’études en Arménie en 2023 et celui de cette année, la SBF vous propose un webinaire spécial vendredi 14 mars à 13h.


Ce webinaire aura lien en anglais et inclura deux courtes conférences présentées par Anna Asatryan. La première portera sur la flore particulière de la vallée d’Ararat avec un focus sur les communautés végétales les plus patrimoniales. Le seconde portera sur des aspects ethnobotaniques propres à l’Arménie. Résumé en anglais ci-dessous.



Pour participer à ce webinaire, il vous suffira de cliquer sur ce lien. Le lien sera actif à partir de 12h30. Comme à chaque fois, le webinaire sera enregistré et une version sous-titrée en français sera disponible sous quelques semaines sur notre chaîne YouTube dans la playlist “webinaires”.


ABSTRACT : On the first presentation Anna Aslikyan will talk about the flora and vegetation of the Ararat Valley and its foothills with the focus on rare and threatened plant communities. The prelimnary results of the recent study and the perspectives of conservation of the unique habitats will be presented. The next presentation on ethnobotanical notes on Armenia will present the plants, most typical in the traditional Armenian menu and the ways they are used today.


Anna Asatryan is a senior researcher at the A.Takhtajyan Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Her research activities include investigation of the flora and vegetation of Armenia with a focus on plant conservation. Anna is the national coordinator of the Important Plant Areas (IPA) program and she represents Armenia in the Planta Europa network. Throughout her more than 30-year professional experience Anna contributed to a number of plant research and conservation projects, such as ones on study and conservation of the globally threatened endemic pear species with the first plant conservation translocation case in Armenia as an output. Anna’s book “Remarkable Trees of Armenia” is a result of another community-based study. The first set of botanical illustration postcards in Armenia was produced as a result of her educational and awareness raising activity. Anna has also contributed to the development of botanical tours in Armenia. As a part of the Extremophile plants research team Anna is working on research and conservation of Armenia’s rare and threatened extremophile species and their habitats.